Since 2016, the Levitt AMP Carson City Music Series has fostered an exciting new chapter of growth and community engagement for a former arts hub in the heart of Carson City’s Historic District. The Brewery Arts Center has leveraged free Levitt AMP concerts to transform a once-forgotten street corridor into a thriving cultural destination for people of all ages and backgrounds. With over 54,000 residents, Carson City has experienced an artistic renaissance, enjoying painted crosswalks, newly created murals, and a level of community engagement never before seen. The 2024 Levitt AMP Carson City Music Series further solidifies the Brewery Arts Center’s role in building community cohesion and local pride during the Levitt AMP Music Series and beyond.
Presented by Brewery Arts Center, a nonprofit organization that works to enrich quality of life by cultivating arts and culture for all.
June 21 – Aug. 10, 2025
Spike McGuire
Executive Director