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IN THE NEWS: Levitt Dayton Featured in the Dayton Daily News
Levitt Dayton had their most successful concert season yet this summer. Dayton Daily News reporter, Cornelius Frolik, chatted with Levitt Dayton’s Director of Marketing and Communications, Madeline Hart, to learn about the impactful community bonding experienced by over 70,000 people from all walks of life in attendance this year. “Since opening in downtown Dayton in…
IN THE NEWS: Levitt LA Featured in USC Annenberg Media
As Levitt Pavilion Los Angeles wrapped up their iconic summer concert series, they shared some special moments with USC Annenberg Media. Reporter April Aguilera spoke to Levitt LA Executive Director Allegra Padilla and the closing show headliner Beatriz Solis about the importance of accessible arts and culture in Los Angeles: “These events give people a…
IN THE NEWS: Levitt Shell Sioux Falls featured in KELOLAND
The impact of Levitt performances across the country would not be possible without the dedication of volunteers at each event. Levitt Shell Sioux Falls Director of Volunteer Engagement, Laura Mullen, had the opportunity to highlight the essential work of volunteers with KEOLAND reporter Dan Santella. “This place could not function [without volunteers]. Our mission is…
IN THE NEWS: Levitt AMP Woonsocket featured in Call & Times
This summer, the River Island Arts Park in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, presented its fifth Levitt AMP Woonsocket concert series. Call & Times Reporter Joseph Nadeau attended a 2023 lineup announcement dinner hosted by local series coordinator, NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley. At the event, Meghan Rao, Director of Resource, Development, and Communication, unveiled each of the…
IN THE NEWS: Levitt Arlington Featured in The Shorthorn
Levitt Arlington had the opportunity to share exciting plans for their 2023 seasons with The Shorthorn. Reporter Sam Salabit caught up with Levitt Arlington’s Executive Director Letatia Teykl and Production Director Richard Treat to learn about the impact of free live music in Arlington. “It’s a huge gift back to the community, we build community…