The recent attack in New Orleans has once again underscored the persistent threat of terrorist / lone actor attacks to crowded places and events. While the risk of terrorist / lone actor targeted violence and vehicle-borne attacks remains very low, entertainment districts, venues, and events continue to remain attractive targets for hostile actors.

During this presentation for the Levitt network, Peter provided an overview of the current terrorist / lone actor threat landscape and introduced attendees to “secure by design” strategies to better protect your concert site and audiences. This session provided a holistic approach to enhancing safety and security of crowded places and events from hostile vehicle attacks, as well as hazards posed by impaired or distracted drivers. Peter also highlighted lessons learned from previous incidents and highlighted best practices that balance safety, while ensuring your concert series remains resilient, accessible, and inclusive for your local communities.



Session Presentation (PDF)

Session Recording

Funding & grant opportunities: Nonprofit Security Grant Program | 

Seek specialist security advice from local Law Enforcement & your assigned CISA Protective Security Advisor Program (PDF) , contact CISA Regions | CISA 

Vehicle Incident Prevention & Mitigation Security Guide (April 2024) (PDF)

National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) and the National Protection Security Authority (NPSA) guidance to support local authorities, event organizers, and similar end user groups to using temporary Vehicle Security Barriers (VSBs) as part of a Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) scheme. For further guidance access :

Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) | NPSA

Australia-NZ Counter Terrorism Committee Hostile Vehicle Guidelines for Crowded Places 2017 (PDF)